TNV Enterprises, LLC
IT Consulting
With an interest in computers that goes back to the days of the Commodore 64/128, TNV Enterprises, LLC was formed in 2011 and initially assisted friends and family with their computer and technology challenges.
From then to now to the furture...
As long as I can remember, I have been tearing things apart and quickly learning how to put them back together. My father worked for the phone company for 50 years and I can honestly say that is where I got the technology bug. I can still remember that summer day, while he was at work, opening up the clock radio he had in the garage and realized I needed to figure out how to reassemble it before he got home.
I further developed the ability to "tear things apart" and got much better at troubleshooting and repairing said things by attending ITT Tech. I graduated with a two year degree and quickly started working as a Customer Services Representative with a large nationwide company that dealt with office automation and technology.
It was within a few short years that the analog technology we started with was completely replaced with digital equipment and a new era had begun.
With the ability to not only produce documents, but to scan, manage and archive them, the computer and network capability immediately came into the picture.
I jokingly say, "the CSRs that stepped up and knew the difference between a left mouse click and a right mouse click quickly became the go to engineers helping our clients move into the digital age".
As most of you know, technology never takes a break, but myself and my colleagues and peers have continued to "step up" to maintain an understanding of technology and trends.
Today the friends and family circle has expanded to include clients and their businesses. Most of those businesses are not directly related to technology in any way, but all of them run more efficiently when the technology they use is designed and maintained properly.